Friday, 21 October 2016

Too in your face?

No one has made any such comment. I haven't had any thing negative said to me, in fact, quite the opposite. I've only had positivity and support from friends, family and readers alike. Every now and then though, I feel a bit guilty about the way I keep bumming and blowing about how good it feel, how well my weight loss is going or how great clothes look on me now. I worry about it a little. I know how annoying it can be to hear someone rattle on about how brill they are doing, when my own weight loss attempts have gone to shit and I feel like fuck all beat up in a cup. So I really don't want to be having that affect on someone. I sincerely hope there's someone who can get the opposite reaction, i.e. "Wow, if she can do it, so can I."  

Despite fearing that my current ebullient mood is off putting, I can't write about anything else. It's how I feel. I feel bloody good, with a massive side helping of gratitude that something in my tiny mind clicked, and allowed this attempt to flourish. I've lost and regained weight enough times to know that I can't take this situation for granted. And every time I hear of someone struggling, I feel it's there but for the grace of God. So please, excuse my exuberance. It's not meant to be bombastic for the sake of it. I'm just so excited!

Now, that said, here I go again. 
Good run this morning. A bit faster.
I really enjoyed a run this morning. I did what I wanted to after yesterday's run. I went a little quicker and got my fastest 5k time in this running incarnation. About thirty-seven minutes. Cool. I'm happy with that. For now :-) One of the best things was how un-sweaty I was afterwards. I was still sweaty, but no where near what I've been previously. It's a combination of a cooler morning and being lighter and a bit fitter, I'm sure. But I can see it in photos I've taken.
Post run, 13th August.
 Post run, this morning. Feeling positively skinny. No where near my usual puce colour!
I'm going to have a day or two off running. I want to rest my legs, having used the Vibrams two days in a row now. Feet are still feeling good though. I did buy some Heelys though. Now that's some wacky. fun shit. I had to google how to use them! Then TMM came home from work to find me cooking dinner last night, heelying up and down the kitchen tiles. Not amused! "I've just got over worrying about you pulling a hamstring using those shoes (he's not a fan of the Vibrams) and now I come home to this? You're not wise!" Teehee. Sure, it keeps him on his toes. Or is that me? Or heels? Ahh, I'm confused :-)
Such fun!
 I'm not going to my mum's this evening, so I have complete control of my food. I feel a sausage casserole of some sort coming on.


  1. I would have paid good money to see Tom's face as he entered the kitchen to you on your wheelies lol ;-)
