Thursday, 20 October 2016

Results are in!

I gave in. I couldn't help it. TMM bet me that I would, and indeed, he knows me very well. There was no way I was going to wait four weeks to acclimatize my feet to my Vibram running shoes. I wore them about the house for a couple of hours yesterday and the day before. TMM wouldn't let me wear them to his folks' house because he said I'd be burnt as a witch!

I went for a run this morning and did 5k in them, Wow, they're different. It's distinctly odd to feel the ground so clearly through the soles. I can't lie, I was worried (possibly still am, a little) about the total lack of cushioning/shock absorption, but the logic is that, before we wore shoes, our bodies evolved to be able to run and walk without them. All I have to do is get my feet and legs used to it. Because the Vibrams use different calve muscles (their website informs me) it might take a short while for my legs to strengthen up. But the girl I know who uses them has never had a problem. So, ever the optimist, I'll assume that I won't either.

While running, my pace was a little slower than my Monday and Tuesday runs. I was being quite careful to not strike the ground too hard. I felt lighter on my feet. My 5k was done in about thirty-nine minutes. Yeah, Paula Radcliff is safe. If I have no undue aches and pains tomorrow morning, I'll do the same distance and try to run at the slightly faster pace, and see how I get on.

I was pleased that I managed to get them on at 5.20am. There's no doubt that they are fiddly, in comparison to traditional gutties, but it's just a matter of me learning to wiggle my toes into the correct toe pockets. My big toe on each foot is clearly very fond of my second toe, as they both try very hard to join that toe in the second pocket. But once fitted correctly, they are so cosy and snug. I love how they feel. And there's absolutely no rubbing between the toes.

My major surprise was that I had no knee pain (left knee) and no upper foot pain (right foot) after or during the run. These are the areas that I use K T Tape on, and they usually niggle while I run. No out and out pain, but just a wee shout out every now and again to remind me they're there. Not today though. Hmmm! Coincidence? A few more runs will be necessary to check that out. But it's definitely a good sign. And then, when I was walking to the train station afterwards, my legs weren't tired at all. In fact, they felt refreshed! Go figure. It could be psychosomatic, but I don't care. If it works, coolaboola!

I was very hungry afterwards, so had some breakfast for a change. I had three eggs, scrambled in the microwave. Low in calorie, but very satisfying. I genuinely wasn't hungry again until after 1pm. I had a handful of the sugar free wine gums that I had delivered from Amazon. So far, they haven't caused too much devastation in my bowel area (though TMM did complain of circus tent-like smells in the bedroom) and they are really like real wine gums, so no complaints about them.

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