Sunday, 2 October 2016


I am well chuffed. A four pounds loss, on a week when I was away from home for four days, not in control of how my food was being prepared and totally out of my comfort zone. And it's not as if I starved myself. I posted a boring number of pictures of the food that I was eating. So this shows me that I can go on holiday and still lose weight. If that's the result that I want, I can't eat without restraint, I can't gorge on fudge till I feel sick, but with a little forethought, I can definitely enjoy good food and a dessert or cheese board or two. I'm over the moon.

I had a grest NSV yesterday. TMM bought me a pair of DMs for my birthday a couple of years ago. They aren't the typical style (though I have many pairs of them too, in different colours and designs. I love my DMs)  They come up my calf and I especially love them because no matter how big my calves have been, I've always been able to wear them. Most boots won't fit me there. Regardless of weight, I've always had big calves. Not always fat, muscled bulk too. But these close with a buckle and it have four adjustments.  When he first got them for me, I was so pleased because I could wear them straight away. I had them open on the second last buckle hole, but I didn't care. I loved them. 

Yesterday, just out of curiosity, I brought them in to the tightest hole. They not only still fit, but sit really well on my calf. I am so pleased. They look great. And TMM, who is always so supportive, just grinned like a loon with me. This morning, when I told him my loss, he was dumbfounded. "How did you do that?!?" Coz he knows exactly how we ate while away. But he just looked at me and smiled and hugged me and told me I'd done really well. He's happy that I'm happy.
TMM in the kilt he bought in Edinburgh. (Don't tell him I showed you the pic. He'd kill me. But he's so sexy in it, how could I not?)

So, here I am, at twelve stone six and a half pounds. And my absolute ideal weight, that I'd love to reach (which I must stress is officially, according to those who know best {and who are those buggers anyway?} still about half a stone overweight) is nine stone thirteen and a half pounds. I just want to be under the Ten stone, so I can start my weight with nine stone something :-) At the very most, I only have thirty-five pounds left to lose. That sounds like so little to me. It's less than half of what I've already lost. I know it's more than some folks start out wanting to lose. Thirty-five pounds, two and a half stone, it's a total loss for some. And that's so cool. Whether you need to lose ten pounds or two hundred and ten pounds, it's all about where you need to be to feel happy and healthy in yourself. If a ten pounds loss, Hell, a two pounds loss, takes you to that place, it's every bit as valid as any amount of weight I lose, or any person on "Obese: a year to save my life." For me, although at ten stone (just a tiny bit under, for my vanity's sake), I'll still officially overweight, it will take me to my happy place, my weight sweet spot, where I will be happy and healthy, and finally feel like I can start to maintain, instead of continuing to try to lose. At that point, at least where weight is concerned, I genuinely think I will no longer feel like a work in progress. 


  1. Flippin fantastic!!! Congratulations... :-)

  2. Thanks Peter. I'm uber happy about that. All that walking must have helped!

  3. Amazing!!!! You're bloody awesome you xx

  4. Thank you!!! So bloody pleased :-)
