As is my wont, when things don't go the way I want them to in this weight loss attempt, I had a bit of a sulk today when I lost no weight at my weekly trip to the bathroom scales. I stayed the same. Already, having written it down, I know it's not the end of the world. And it's certainly not a gain. But it makes me feel as if I wasted a week. I got no closer to getting under twelve stone or any nearer to my target. Even though I know that I didn't really do anything wrong, food wise, I still find myself second guessing my choices this week. Where could I have done better? But, as we used to say on the weightwatcher forum, staying the same has the initials STS, which also stands for Still Totally Sexy, or Still Totally Slimmer. So I just had to get over myself and get on with my day.
One way to cheer myself up was to try on all of TMM's jeans, while he was at work. I had a lot of fun doing that, and ended up selecting a pair that I wore today. They made my bum look rather nice, if I may say so myself! I also tried on a couple of his shirts and a jumper. Then, I was wearing them and his boots when he came home from work, as I hid behind the door and waited for him to find me. It made him laugh when I added in my very poor impersonation of him. It's a very mature relationship that we have :-)
I am going to try to be very conscious of my calorie use this week. I don't want to get complacent. I don't want to start to let little things slip into my habits, like leaving small calorie things off my daily tracker. All this time, I've counted absolutely everything that passes my lips, be it a single sugar free mint, or a cup of black coffee, or a bottle of DFM. All of those things have practically no caloric value, but I've noted them anyway. And it's stood me in good stead, so I don't want that habit to change. I also don't want to start to cheat a bit when looking things up on the database. By that I mean, if there are two values given for something, for example eggs, I don't want to automatically plump for the lower value one. I need to be careful that I try to keep things as accurate as possible. For that reason, I finally threw away the jar of buscuit spread that TMM bought me to try. I'd had a wee taste, and that was okay. Just the once, that was fine. ut by today, I'd had three or four wee tastes out of it, and in a tiny jar that contained over 1000 cals, three of four wee tastes had a calorific value, which I didn't count. Now, it really was a very small amount that I'd taken out of the jar, but it was starting to add up. So better safe than sorry. I dumped it. If I'd really liked it, I would have eaten it and thought it worth the calories, so I'd have earned the cals for it. But I would just have been eating it for the sake of it. That's just a waste of effort to earn calories for. When I threw it out, I actually ran the spread under the hot water and poured it down the drain. I was genuinely afraid that If I threw it into the bin, in one piece, I might go in after it later, and eat it anyway. I felt much better once it was done, but throwing it out was hard. My natural tendancy towards not wasting food was quite difficult to override.
As always, I start the week with a plan to run more. I've ordered some running shoes and a phone armband which should arrive this week. Hopefully I will be motivated to get out and use them. I've also set up a training plan on Runkeeper, so I want to get stuck in to that too. The shoes are a bit different. They are Vibram Five Fingers, and have indivitual toe pieces. They simulate barefoot running, so it should be interesting to try them out.
So that's it. I'm going to try for a really good loss in seven days, to keep my average weekly loss up. I really want to get under twelve stone!
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