Thursday, 5 May 2016

Compliments already

I had my first weight loss comment at work today. I'm surprised that it's happened so soon. I really wouldn't have thought it was noticeable yet. Clearly it is to some people though.

It's a funny one, asking about someone's weight loss. It can be a dicey subject. Do you bring it up, and risk offending them with the implicit suggestion that weight loss was warranted? Or do you leave it alone, avoiding the topic, losing the opportunity to possibly make someone's day? For me it depends on who's saying it. What is their history with me, especially as regards my weight? Do they come across as judgemental about the fact that I got so fat? And of course, it depends how they go about saying anything. It could sound quite snide if said in the wrong to be of voice. See what I mean? It's a minefield. I'd think twice about saying something, and I'm a fat person.

Today, I'm delighted that this person spoke up. (Unfairly, that could change on any given day) It shows that the effort is taking effect when an unbiased individual mentions it. Let's face it, TMM has a vested interest in keeping me happy. It makes life at home easier :-) So there's no way he's unbiased. Though he'd never say something that he didn't think was true, just for the sake of it. It's nice to have my loss unexpectedly confirmed today.

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