Sunday, 13 March 2016

Toiling in obscurity. Thankfully.

It's as well that this blog is in some pokey, dusty, deserted corner of the interweb. Thank God it isn't really going to be read by anyone except me. If anyone has happened to stumble upon it, I apologize. It's boring as Hell! It's literally, "Woke up, ate some food, counted the calories, thought about how fat I am, got a bit angsty, self indulgent and over analytical about it, went to bed." I.E it's a pile of shite. And I write it over and over again, every day (if you can call six consecutive days, thus far, every day) Boring! But I think I'll stick with it. It sort of makes me feel accountable, in a weird way. It actually helps me almost as much as keeping track of my food does. It feeds in to my compulsive nature and gives me a feeling of control. If anyone elses ever reads it, and gets something out of it, then bonus. But they'd be better off with a real weight loss blog or book, like "The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl" by Shauna Reid. That's fab and truly inspirational. Plus, it's sort of finished. You can see where she gets to in life. Me, I'm just a forty-seven year old work in progress. Very much in progress!

Ironically, I'm currently writing it in a cafe, surrounded by cakes and delicious, high calorie fare of all sorts. Kind of like when I was writing out my fourth step of my AA progamme, while sitting a bar, drinking coffee. But that's a story for another day! It's very pretentious, sitting in a cafe, with a laptop (actually a Kindle with a bluetooth keyboard) writing a blog. It makes me feel very sophisticated. Teehee. But clearly, I don't have very high standards of sophistication. :-)

I'm pretty pleased with my progress this week, and with more than just my eating habits. I have got out of bed before eleven am each day that I've been off. That doesn't sound like much of an achievement, but it's not bad for me, especially of late. I was starting to find it hard to get out of bed on my days off, even when TMM was off as well. I mean, I was lying in bed nearly all day on some weekends. I hadn't really linked it to my weight, but I think now maybe it was a bit of depression.  Since starting to at least try to lose weight, that hasn't been the case so much. Even getting up today, to go to the supermarket for dinner ingrediates, then go for a coffee by myself, is more effort than I've been making some days. It's all good. Small steps Terry, small steps.

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