Thursday, 31 March 2016

Planning ahead. It works. Who'd a thunk it?

A bigger breakfast this morning of eggs and bacon. Since I was being so good last night, making dinner and even soup for later in the week, I also cooked a few slices of back bacon, let them go cold and then cut them up. I put them in the fridge and threw the bits into scrambled eggs this morning. It was gorgeous.

This tracking my food thing really works. I've known that since my first Weight Watchers attempt. Keeping a proper eye on what's being consumed stops things getting out of hand. It's not that much effort, but eventually, I usually just get bored of doing it. Daft, when I know how effective it is. It's even better when I plan ahead. For example, take today. Knowing that I had a heartier breakfast than usual, I added up the ingredients for the chicken curry that I intend to make for tea tonight. That meant I knew exactly what I could afford to use at lunch time. It's so obvious, and yet something that I neglect to do most days. As I said, daft!  

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