There are many unpleasant aspects to being very over weight. Fat. I'm fat. I can't shy away from that by using euphemisms, much as I hate calling myself it, and I take mortal offense when anyone else says it. One of the less obvious nasties is personal hygiene. I doubt it would occur to anyone unless they'd been big themselves. Why would it? I'm sure most people assume that having a shower every day is enough to ensure cleanliness. But if you have the folds of skin and blubber that I have, then that isn't necesssaily a given.
I just mean that I have to be very careful to clean and dry under the big flaps of fat that I have developed. This came back to me forcibly a day or two ago when I suddenly developed a sore patch under my belly. It was tender and stung a bit. I had to lift the heavy flabby part of my belly to have a look. There was a red patch. It was moist to the touch and it was smelly. Yes, that's actually what I said, smelly. It makes sense when you think about it. Right under a fold of fat is a perfect place for bacteria. It's dark, warm and moist. None of that makes for a very pleasant picture, does it? I suppose it's a bit gross to talk about it, but it's a direct result of my having a massive belly, so it's totally relevant. And how do I know it it was smelly? As soon as I realized that it was damp when I touched it, I smelt my finger. I know, I know, that sounds (is?) vile. But I'm not grossed out by my bodily functions, and it was better to know if it smelled bad or not. I cleaned it carefully, dried it and used some anticeptic cream. It eased off over night, but it was uncomfortable as I tried to settle to sleep that night.
I've had the same issue with my belly button. It's deep in the giant cushion that is my midrift. It's a bloody cavern. I mean, you could go potholing in the damn thing. No wonder it's a bit smelly. I do my best. I wash it out, then dry it meticulously. It still smells a bit. TMM calls it my bum button, coz it smells of bum! Nice! Hopefully at some point, this will be less of a problem.
And that's it for the gross out portion of today's waffle :-)
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