Yesterday was a bit tough in parts. I didn't plan my food out very well, so ended up quite hungry by the end of the day. I had some of the pepper soup left over, some chicken breast and some home made sweet and sour from a couple of nights ago. I didn't want any of it to go to waste, so I ended up having quite a mixed up brunch. That got through at least two thirds of the day's allowance.
When The Main Man came home from work, he had pizza and garlic bread. There was no way I could have that and remain within my cals, unless I just had a single slice of each. No way that would be satisfying. So I stuck with some fruit, pepsi max and a cup of tea (I drink tea and coffee black, so no cals wasted on milk) I had just enough left to have one ten grammes square of 85% cocoa dark chocolate. And despite feeling a bit hungry at the end of the day, I finished bang on target. It's not ideal to be hungry, but it's nothing to be afraid of either. That's part of my problem, I think. I eat all the time. I never let myself feel hunger. I overeat at a sitting, so I don't recognize my own stomach's feeling of fullness. But I'm pleased with how yesterday went. It was a good start to a new weight loss week.
I'm feeling lighthearted again today. I started last week feeling exactly the same way. Lighter of body, mind and spirit. Must be because I'm happier with my food control. I had a real spring in my step as I walked from the train station and my head was held high. That's very different to how I've felt on occasion when I've been uber conscious of how big I am. I felt good as I got dressed this morning too. I put on a pair of trousers, knowing that they wouldn't be getting tighter than they were last week. Big grins all round :-D
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