Getting back to losing a few gained pounds and preparing for London marathon.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Planning ahead. It works. Who'd a thunk it?
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Back to work.
Alas, I got home to discover that TMM was unexpectedly working late, so there was no dinner on the go. *Sighs* So I had to stop off at ASDA for the makings of an evening meal. I was very good though, and didn't succumb to temptation. And as I type, I have a pot of chilli cooking, along with a pot of carrot and coriander soup. Both will be edible in about half an hour. I really need to get more organized though. If I had some shopping done, even on line as I used to, there would already be food in the house, which would negate the need to call to the supermarket after work. That would probably speed things up by about half an hour.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Eating out verses eating in
We go there, look out the window at the sea (I never stop being grateful that I live by the sea) and chat to each other. It's relaxing and feels decadent. A wee treat on a day off work. Recently though, it's become less of a treat and more the norm. We do it almost every weekend if TMM (who works in retail, so weekends off aren't a given) is off. There have been a couple of times that we've even done it both Saturday and Sunday. Which isn't good for the belly or the pocket.
This is a photo of a plate of food that I ordered one day just because it was on the menu. (Not at our regular haunt.) It was called the Titanic Fry. (See what they did there? Belfast, Titanic?) My curiosity and greed got the better of me and I had to see what it was like and if I could finish it. It was my own wee "Man Vs Food" challenge. Seriously, I'm not safe to be let out in public! By the way, I finished it. Every scrap. To TMM's disgust/dismay/admiration? Hard to say what emotion was foremost in his mind :-)
We're both off today, Easter Tuesday, and having slept in for a while, decided to have brunch. By the time we got a move on, it was full on lunch :-) But we were very good, and decided to stay home. Bacon and scrambled eggs. TMM had toast, I refrained, eschewing the added calories so hopefully, by the end of the day, I will finally have a few left over so I can have some chocolate. Imagine! Easter Tuesday and I've had no chocolate yet!
It was well worth the effort of cooking. For a start, I was completely in charge of the method by which the food was cooked, so I know for certain that nothing was deep fried, or even really shallow fried. I was also in charge of my portion size. I suppose you could say that I'm always in control of that, even when eating out. After all, no one forces me to eat everything that's on my plate. I could leave some food, if I so desired. But let's be realistic here, there's no way I'm not finishing my food. I don't have that kind of will power. I can just about say no to ordering dessert, but once some thing's actually in front of me? It's going down the hatch!
Today I had a big enough lunch for any mortal. It consisted of three rashers of back bacon and four eggs, scrambled. I would have had mushrooms, but we'd run out. Bummer. The Main Man's plate looked so much fuller than mine with his added toast and I had serious plate envy. But I ate slowly and what I had was more than enough. I'm just naturally greedy. I want more! Always! But, and here's the main thing, when I worked it out on the MFP app, that really satisfying, cooked breakfast only came to about four hundred calories. If I'd gone to our wee cafe, I'd have had much more food, it would probably also have contained some sort of bread, and I'd have possibly eaten something sweet afterwards. I could easily have consumed three times the calories. Certainly at least twice as many.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love going out to eat. But it should be a treat. It should be a less than frequent occurrence. That way, it's easily worked in to a day's food. But to do it too often makes over indulgence all too likely. I'm pleased that we ate in today because it leaves the option open to eat out without guilt later. And hopefully I will have another weight loss this week because I'm trying so hard to stay within my daily calorie target. I know I can't lose six pounds every week (God! If only!) but a wee bit, even a small loss every week, to keep me motivated, would be great.
What a souper diet!
The onion and smoked paprika soup was lovely. How to match herbs and spices to vegetables suggested paprika matched well with onions. I only had smoked paprika, so I thought, "What the Hell, give it a go." It worked, and to my mind, worked well. It gave to soup a lovely light orange colour too, which was quite attractive. The usual method for my soups applied. All veg (in this case, just onions and garlic) roughly chopped, thrown into a pot with three chicken stock cubes, two teaspoons of the choosen herb/spice (i.e in this case, smoked paprika) and about a litre to litre and a half of water. Simmer till veg are very tender (some might say mushy) and then blend with a trusty hand blender. Mine has seen some use oover the years! This particular soup is going to be a new favourite I think.
Monday, 28 March 2016
Easter Sunday at Mum's
Having weighed myself and had the result of the century, I was in the mood to go easy on all things chocolately. Just as well, as temptation was rife. There were bowls of sweets all over the living room. In previous years, I've gotten torn in to them, and eaten hundreds of calories before dinner was even served. Not this time. I was very restrained, and it was all because I knew that eating within my allowance for the last three weeks, strict as it's been, has really worked. A whole stone off in three weeks is amazing and very motivating.
It was hard not to boast about it to everyone. They all know my weight loss/gain history and they know I struggle to lose. They are all very happy for me when I do well, so they'd love to know that I was having some success at the moment. It was especially difficult to keep quiet when there was a discussion about the benefits of food intake verses exercise in relation to weight control. But I let most of it go over my head, as I decided to keep my own council for now. I'll wait till I've a bit more off, or they notice (which could take a while.)
I don't think it went unnoticed that I had no dessert, but it was easy to say that I was too full from the massive plateful that I'd eaten. Mum set it all out, buffet style, and we all helped ourselves to turkey, ham, stuffing, cocktail sausages, gravy, boiled and roast potatoes, carrots, peas, mushrooms and broccoli with bacon. I can honestly say that one plate of all that (and believe me, I had some of eveything) was enough to account for my calorie allowance for the day. I was very glad that all I had for breakfast was a banana and a coffee. Of course, Mum gave TMM and me some turkey and ham to take home for tea. TMM had a sandwich while I avoided the bread and just ate the cold meat. I also had some home made broccoli and cauliflower soup that I prepared on Saturday. I think I probably ended the day a couple of hundred calories over, but didn't do too bad for a day that's renowned for chocolate over induldence. I was happy enough with my day.
I have finally told TMM that I'm weighing myself, and told him how well I'm doing. He's very pleased for me, and as always, uber supportive. He knew that I was eating healthily, and avoiding over fatty, over sugary foods. He thought I'd gone paleo again. But I'm still eating pasta, rice and legumes, though not as much, so I'm definately not paleo. I have cut out dairy and a lot of processed sugar, so going to a proper paleo diet wouldn't be too much of a stretch. It is a very healthy way to eat. I might consider it, if I can be sure that I can do it within my current 1200 cals a day goal. Eating grated cauliflower as a rice substitue, or shredded carrots instead of spagetti is a fab way of lowering the calorie total of a meal.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Smelly jelly belly
I just mean that I have to be very careful to clean and dry under the big flaps of fat that I have developed. This came back to me forcibly a day or two ago when I suddenly developed a sore patch under my belly. It was tender and stung a bit. I had to lift the heavy flabby part of my belly to have a look. There was a red patch. It was moist to the touch and it was smelly. Yes, that's actually what I said, smelly. It makes sense when you think about it. Right under a fold of fat is a perfect place for bacteria. It's dark, warm and moist. None of that makes for a very pleasant picture, does it? I suppose it's a bit gross to talk about it, but it's a direct result of my having a massive belly, so it's totally relevant. And how do I know it it was smelly? As soon as I realized that it was damp when I touched it, I smelt my finger. I know, I know, that sounds (is?) vile. But I'm not grossed out by my bodily functions, and it was better to know if it smelled bad or not. I cleaned it carefully, dried it and used some anticeptic cream. It eased off over night, but it was uncomfortable as I tried to settle to sleep that night.
I've had the same issue with my belly button. It's deep in the giant cushion that is my midrift. It's a bloody cavern. I mean, you could go potholing in the damn thing. No wonder it's a bit smelly. I do my best. I wash it out, then dry it meticulously. It still smells a bit. TMM calls it my bum button, coz it smells of bum! Nice! Hopefully at some point, this will be less of a problem.
And that's it for the gross out portion of today's waffle :-)
Friday, 25 March 2016
I'm still trying to get a handle on my hunger
Thursday, 24 March 2016
More home made soup for tea is...
It used exactly the same method as most of my soups. Roughly chop the veg (in this case three onions and about six carrots), stick in a pot with chicken stock cubes (three, but do to taste as I like my food quite salty. Yes, I know it's bad for me.) herbs (fresh coriander and three heaped teaspoons of the ground stuff) and water (about a litre and a half), simmer till veg are tender, then blend with the hand blender.
The whole point, when I planned this earlier today, was to enable me to have some calories to play with so I could have the aforementioned buns or cake with my coffee when I went out. But halfway through the afternoon, I had a real yen for something sweet with my coffee in the office, and I ended up using the planned extras for some chocolate caramel sweets. I enjoyed them and they stopped me going off the rails, but in the end, I was actually sorry that I hadn't used my allowance for something more sensible, like some lean protein. I ended up very hungry when I came home from meeting my chums.
I know two of them from having been in Slimming World together. We are all currently lapsed, but talked about going back. I think though, that while I'm sticking to my plan on MyFitnessPal, I'll save the weekly fee and just see how I get on. I'm an old hand at this weight loss game by now. I know what I should be doing. Of course, clearly, that doesn't mean that I do it, hence the weight gain. It's very simple, but I didn't say it was easy!
The lesson from yesterday is that I need to eat some protein at lunchtime today to stave off massive hunger pangs.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Am I as fat as that?
Monday, 21 March 2016
Dinner last night...
Pleased with yesterday
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Keeping it secret makes it a bit harder
Friday, 18 March 2016
Not eating breakfast
There have been a few days when I have eaten only fruit or raw carrots at lunch time. Again, it keeps calories low, but it also means that I'm very hungry by the end of the working day. If it's a day when I finish at 4pm, then I can easily get by. I get the train home and make dinner early. But on a day when I finish at five, that hour makes all the difference. I end up famished! I've had a chicken breast on a few occasions. That wee lump of protein for lunch really tided me over, so although it ate into the lump sum of calories that I was keeping for tea, it was worth using.
I'm thinking of weighing myself on Sunday this week, and continuing with Sunday weigh ins from now on. I just prefer the idea of not being in a hurry on the morning that I step on the scales. My most recent attempt with WeightWatchers was online, and I weighed on a Sunday. I was quite successful (despite eventually gaining again) so maybe Sunday scale hops will be lucky - so long as I manage to keep it off this time.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Staying schtum for a while
I wonder how long it will be before my weight loss becomes noticeable. I didn't tell TMM I lost weight this week. He doesn't know that I weighed myself in the first place, just knows that I'm steering clear of shity food. I want to stay quiet about it to everyone else too. I've been here too many times before. So I'm not going to tell Mum either. At over eighteen stone, it's going to be some time before anything is apparent. Mum means well. She's very supportive, but it's just more pressure when people know. I'll go to see her tomorrow after work and I'll stay the night as I usually do. I will just eat what is set in front of me for tea and breakfast, and I'll work round planning my food for the rest of the day. I really would like to stay schtum till she notices for herself. That will take months at my size, so I don't know if I will manage it. I'm not great at keeping stuff about myself quiet (kind of obvious, as I'm blogging to the possibility of no one and/or everyone on the interweb!) so I might give in after a while.
But let me look at the positive side of this. I stopped there. I know I said something similar two days ago, after the jelly sweets incident, but it's true of yesterday too. Depending on my frame of mind, I could easily have thought, "Oh fuck it! I'll just have some chocolate or ice cream now. I might as well. I've ruined the day anyway." Instead, I totted up how over my calorie allowance I went, wrote it down (well, typed it into my phone) and moved on. I made some lemongrass and ginger tea and didn't eat any of The Main Man's caramel wafer biscuits.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Mmmm. Temptation's a bitch!
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Monday, 14 March 2016
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Toiling in obscurity. Thankfully.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Am I Doing This Right?
Friday, 11 March 2016
Coping Strategy
I felt no guilt about the choccy treat as I'd been for a short walk before hand. I'm lucky enough to live by the sea, so walks are picturesue, regardless of weather. It makes things a bit easier. I am so annoyed with myself at how unfit I have allowed myself to become. This time last year I was training for the Belfast Marathon, and here I am now, hardly able to walk the length of myself without becoming a puce, sweaty mess. Disgusting! Such a waste of last year's progress. But, positive thinking (which is so hard sometimes) I went for a forty minute dander today. It was slow, I was sweaty and out of breath after a disturbingly short time, my lower back hurt and I felt guilty for holding TMM back with my crawl of a pace, but the thing is, I did it. I voluntarily took some exercise, despite being self consciousness. And I earned my chocolate. Yay me!
Actually, I could have had the chocolate anyway. It fell within my mfp calorie allowance even before the exercise calories were added on. This was surprising, as my allowance seems very low to my mind. Even bearing in mind that I set my profile to a two pound a week loss, and that I have a sedantary lifestyle, I would still have thought that a woman of eighteen and a half stone would have been on more than 1210 cals a day. I've been surprised that I've been able to have three meals a day within that total. Mind you, my meals have had the daily calories very unevenly distributed. Breakfast and lunch are light, so as to leave plenty of cals for dinner.
I have felt some hunger over the past five days. Is this a bad thing, or should I stop being afraid of being a little hungry? My next meal is never that far round the next corner, so surely it's not such a bad thing. Maybe the old idea that the body goes into a sort of starvation mode if it feels hungry is behind the notion of constantly grazing on healthy snacks. Howsoever that may be, I'm going to try to stop seeing feeling a bit peckish as a bad thing. A couple of nights in a row now I've gone to bed feeling a bit empty, and it has yet to keep me awake.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Ate Out And Was Still Okay
Breakfast was a gorgeous three egg omlette, with two rashers of bacon, trimmed of fat, as well as left over garlicky potatoes and leeks from last night's dinner. I think even with the burger and skinny chips (and no bun!) for tea, I managed to stay within my calorie goal. I do wonder if I'll be hungry later, since tea was so early, but a cup of tea will hopefully distract me.
I started looking at health and fitness mags this afternoon, but decided that there was no point in buying any yet. There's too much emphasis on exercising in them, and I'm finding it hard enough to walk to the train station at the moment, never mind think about working out. Of course, I know that's bull shit. I could be going for a walk for twenty minites and starting to build up my stamina, but I'm just happy to be staying away from chocolate and eating between meals for this week. I even managed to buy a bar of chocolate for TMM and not get one for myself. Impressed with me or what! But I really do want to get to the point where I could start to run a bit again. I read on Facebook about friends going for a run, and I'm definately jealous. I need to get there again.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Day three...
...and I'm still feeling positive. I bought almonds, to have half the packet but forgot about them. I was really quite hungry by the time I got home. Thankfully, The Main Man had the dinner on, so it wasn't long before I got something to eat. He'd cooked snags, so I was glad to have saved the calories on the forgotten almonds at lunchtime.
It really helps me when I think that, if I continue to eat healthily, this is as big as I will get. No bigger clothes to buy and no more worry about finding stuff in my wardrobe that truly fits me. And I'm sick of jeans and leggings wearing out on the inside leg because my thighs rub together so much! An end to that would be good eventually.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
260.6lb. Beginning again. Again.
unhealthy at home and stayed within my MFP calorie target. Excellent start.