Saturday 3 December 2016

The day before weigh in

My thirty day, full body challenge app
Day thirteen of my thirty day, full body challenge. So my routine was as follows
  • 29 sit ups
  • 42 ab crunches
  • 14 leg raises
  • 27 sec plank
  • 65 squats
  • 66 sec plank
  • 12 push ups
And may I just say? The plank nearly did me in. It's definitely the closest I've come to not completing the proscribed time. I did it though. Just! I wouldn't fancy anyone judging my form though ;-)

I did think that I might do the Parkrun this morning. TMM was on a late start shift at work today so we would have had plenty of time. We ended up having a lie in, and it was much better :-) So off he went to work while I have Saturday off. I hate that he works in retail and weekends off together are rare, but at least we're both working.

When I'm not working, especially when I'm alone at home, I can find it quite hard to eat sensibly. At the start of the day, I see all those calories ahead of me and my factory settings is to equate them to litres of ice cream. Even now, after nine months of healthy eating, my first thought, even before coffee this morning, was about what rubbish I could "afford" on my 1200 daily cals. (There will be no extras earned since I didn't go for a run. {And I've no idea how you count the small circuit that is my thirty day challenges.}) Still, the fact that it's weigh in day tomorrow should help to keep me in line. The last thing I want is a gain that would take me out of the 150s, just as I've gotten in to them. With my newly set, slightly higher, goal weight of 153lbs, it's just possible (though maybe not entirely probable) that I could hit it by the new year. Wouldn't that be something? Starting the New Year as I meant to go on. On maintenance!

A helluva thing to aim for!

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