Thursday, 23 June 2016

Good and bad

There are these horrible plastic patio chairs in the kitchen at work. They are the sort that the legs would splay out and you'd land on your arsenal, if you were too heavy for them. I've been close to that point a few times. I would sit down on them very gingerly and not move about too much. At those points in my weight, my hips are really too broad for the width of the chair, and you can see bits of me squeezed out the side. That's not the case at moment. I am becoming narrower of hip, so I can actually fit the width of the seat quite comfortably between the arms. There's a ways to go yet, but it's definitely getting there.

Not good sneak peeks. Again with the impatience. I wish I could listen to my own advice and leave mid week weighing the Hell alone. Each day this week so far, I've weighed a good two pounds too heavy. *Sighs* Not good. So I've been a bit down about my chances of a loss this week. It doesn't matter how much I tell myself that I should prepare myself for a slow week because I've been so successful so far,the prospect of a gain or no loss still depresses the Hell out of me. Telling myself that I should be realistic doesn't make it so. Unfortunately. 

This just means that I should concentrate on the positive and remember that it's not all about the numbers on the scales. I'm getting healthier and smaller and that's what counts.

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