Thursday, 7 April 2016

The next lesson... to NOT weigh myself midweek! I don't know why I did it. Maybe to give myself a boost. I found yesterday, especially the evening, a bit difficult. I was hungry, even after I'd eaten, and had to really work at persuading myself not to eat more. I went to bed a bit hungry. Thankfully, I didn't wake up with my stomach growling. 

I stepped on the scales, though I know it's not wise to get into the habit of weighing myself more than once a week. And I was up a pound and a half! Darn! It's not as if I count that as an official weight, not till Sunday morning's scales hop, but it's not exactly encouraging. Now I'm going to have to work really hard to stop myself stepping on them again tomorrow morning. I have to tell myself that it means nothing. Other than going a couple of hundred cals over on Sunday, I've had a good week, thus far. This morning's weight is neither a harbinger of doom or a sign that I'll do well. It's indicative of nothing, other than this morning's weight. So. On with the day!

I'm constantly hungry today. And what's worse, constantly aware of it. I'm due to take my period soon, so perhaps that's why. I do get hungrier just before I surf the crimson tide. It makes it hard to stay away from sweets while I'm working. So I will try to keep my sweet tooth at bay, at least till I get home.

No! Inspiration has just struck. I forgot that I bought some low fat hot chocolate on the way in to work this morning. Yay! I can have that. Eighty cals, and a sweet treat, beats the Hell out of 300 or so cals of jelly beans. Go me! I'm so clever :-)

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