Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Water torture

You know that torture? The one where they talk about a drip of water hitting your forehead. Nothing too torturous about that, right? Except that it goes on constantly, drip, drip, drip on the forehead, for hours if necessary. It's said to drive you mad eventually. I don't know it such a thing ever existed as a practice, or if it's apocryphal, but that's how I feel about the chocolates that are in my office at the moment. The boss sets them out, in a bowl, at Christmas, for customers. It's Quality Street or Celebrations. And there they sit, calling to me, all day. For some reason, they are different to the bags of sweets that sit in a box, to buy for a pound, for charity. Those, I can ignore, nearly all of the time. I'm inured to them sitting there. The Quality Street? Not so much. Perhaps because I could just lift one if I fancied, rather than a whole bag. But I know that I couldn't stop at one. So I feel as if my resistance to them gets worn away a little drip at a time. This year, I have serious motivation behind me. I don't want to spoil my good weight loss record, so hopefully that will keep me away from spontaneous Quality Street eating. There's nowt wrong with a bit of planned, quality Quality Street time. In fact, it should be mandatory to have a treat of some sort, so long as I control the circumstances, not the other way around.

I saved my cals to try the full fat halloumi from this week's grocery delivery for tea tonight. It was fairly calorific, (what did I expect? It's cheese!) but tasty.  Salty goodness. I grilled it over roasted parsnip chips, made to use up three parsnips before they shrivelled up. It was nice. It's a squeaky food though, as in, it's mouth feel is a touch odd and it does actually squeak.  You can hear and feel it in your mouth as you eat it. So if that sort of thing squicks you (as it would TMM) then this is not a food for you. Me, I liked it well enough, but now my curiosity is satisfied, so I doubt that I'll get it again. Especially as it is so calorie laden.

On the running front, I'm such a sucker for advertizing. I'm the dream market for all those focused ads that appear on line, geared towards my buying history on amazon and my search history. It's quite fightening that such things exist, yet I don't fight it too hard. When an ad popped up for Vibrams at £57, I snapped them up. It's a good price, and if I keep running at teh rate I am, I will need some in a couple of months anyway. They should see me through to the marathon (if I do it.)  I think I mentioned a day or two ago, there's already over 170km on first pair. These are more girlie in appearance, very pink! They should arrive in the middle of next week.
I haven't told TMM that there are yet more running shoes on their way to me. But then, I haven't told him that I've signed up to next year's Belfast Marathon either. He worries when I'm out very early, before work, running high mileage. When I ran the marathon last year (depending on how loosely we define the word "ran") he couldn't get his head around the distances I was doing, especially on my long training run, which I always did on a Saturday morning. I had a look at a couple of training programmes, one particularly on Runkeeper. It's a sixteen week one, so I don't have to start it until the 9th or 10th of January to take me to Mon 1st May. I have until then to decide if I'm going to do it. And just to keep the panic in the forefront of my mind, the official website has a countdown!

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