Monday, 28 November 2016

Copying my blog

I'm not sure why. Maybe in an effort to recapture a bit of what I had with WW on line, I'm copying my blog on to myfitnesspal. I suppose my mind likes the idea of everything being in one place. It tidies things up. Blog, tracker, exercise linked in with Runkeeper, all under one roof, as it were. As I looked at it, about to copy every entry from the last nine months, I read some of it. It made me see from a fresh perspective just how far I've come. Okay, so there are a few things that I still don't like, and I've a few pounds still to lose, but the difference is immense, and I'm really happy with myself.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas, to having a few days off with TMM, and just relaxing. I'm going to try very hard not to let too much of my holiday revolve around food. Surely I can socialize without having to eat constantly. I know it's how we show our friends and family that we love them. We prepare meals, and hope that they'll show their appreciation by enjoying them. But I'd like to just enjoy a person's company without feeling under pressure to eat things that just aren't worth the calorie expenditure to me. Now, having said that, I don't want to be anal about eating nothing nice. I think I'll plan a wee spluge on choccies at some point of Christmas day. Hopefullt, I'll start the day, with TMM, with an early morning run. It makes us feel so smug for the rest of the day, as if we've earned our pressies and our dinner :-)

And speaking of running. My 5k this morning was good.

A decent pace (for me!) without killing myself and the weather was really mild in comparison to last week. I'm thinking of getting another pair of Vibrams. My current ones are brilliant, still the most amazingly comfy shoes I've ever run in, and I've now done over 160km in them. I'll need to change them around the 500km mark, I think. The Vibram website has a sale on, but it's only in America. Booooooo hiss. Tempting me with fabulous prices, but not being able to ship them to me :-( Dang!

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