Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Trying to not care about my saggy bits

I was looking at myself as I ran this morning. I'm a bit conscious of how I look as I run and checking out my body, as I move, is not the most flattering of angles. I thought about how chunky my thighs looked in my running leggings. And then I caught myself on and wised up. Who cares? Those chunky thighs are considerably less chunky than they were, they ran four miles this morning and they fit into size fourteen jeans. They've come a long way and they're much healthier than they were. So I need to stop obsessing about how I look.

It's hard to listen to that advise though, especially when I think about the saggy skin that flapped about my belly as I did a plank this morning, as part of my thirty day, full body thing. I peered down my body and saw the dangly stuff, just hanging there. It doesn't look so bad when I'm standing up, but let gravity get into the picture and boke. It doesn't look great. Still, again with the bright side, I did a fifty second plank That's progress :-)

I'm going for coffee with my wee cuz BB this avo after work and I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm not going to eat anything. It won't be a late one, so I'll be home for tea. Breakfast was some of the roasted butternut squash and ginger soup I made on Sunday. I like to have a savoury brekkie, and I love using up food that's already prepared. I have no boundaries about what constitutes a breakfast food, so soup is perfectly acceptable. And it was bloody delicious. The recipe was a la my facebook chum, Miss Luli, using ginger instead of my habitual curry powder, and roasting the BNS, when I normally just whack it in the pot raw. Mmmmmmmm! And for lunch today, I shall be trying some reduced fat halloumi cheese with my cherry toms. I got some full fat stuff too, to try grilling it, like wot I see all the posh TV chefs do. I'll try that some evening that TMM is working late. I think tonight will be a spaghetti balls-and-eggs. Except there'll be no spaghetti (carrot strips instead) and no beef mince (reduced fat pork mince). Or I might make cauli rice. It's gorgeous. (Again to Luli-esque specs)
My last attempt at a pork mince chilli with cauliflower rice. It was yummy!
Ho hum.Adieu for now!

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