Tuesday, 23 August 2016


A month or so ago, I tried on one of TMM's coats. It's sort of militaristic, old, well worn, a bit shabby. Hmmm, except for the military reference, I recognize that description. Maybe that's why he loves me too! Anyway, I love that coat and I was chuffed when it fit well enough to wear. It didn't close, but still looked good. It's summer anyway. Who needs to close their coat? Even in Belfast :-)  Except today. It's pissing down and I wanted to zip the coat up. 

IT ZIPPED !!! My belly has clearly and visibly shrunk in the last four to six weeks. 

I am in love with myself today :-)

So that's the true start of it. Me stealing my other half's clothes, that is. He genuinely doesn't mind. He loves how happy it makes me when I hit a milestone like this. He'll even sacrifice his much beloved threads to the alter of my ego when I get smaller. Even his jeans! Not that I'd be able to wear them outside. He's six foot tall, and I'm the eponymous, squat, five footish, female. Mind you, I will definitely wear them round the house when I eventually get into them. He is slim of hip, so it will be a while. Nevertheless, I have it in my sights!

1 comment:

  1. I am now off to try on Podgey's jeans - I've already commandeered one of his shirts ... I don't think he will be as sanguine as TMM!
