Sunday, 21 August 2016


Graph for the last five and a half months. It's so much easier to be positive when I look at the pictures. I'm a simple soul that way. :-)

It's a lot easier to write that blog title when it indicates a loss. No prevarication this week about writing a post. Last week, it was very hard to be honest. It was harder than it should be to just write a couple of numbers down. Okay, I know that I'm uber invested in this weight loss process, but who am I kidding if I can't own up, out loud as it were, to what the scales say?

I love the system I've got for the titles on my Sunday blogs.  It's lovely to see the posts with my weight as a header, and to see that the numbers are steadily decreasing. The downside of that is that on the two occasions that I've gained half a pound, that's equally apparent. And it's hard to look at. Still, twice in five and a half months, with almost 70lb / five stone gone? Not too shabby!

This week's loss of two pounds was still a disappointment to me. Sure, I know that's greedy. A loss, is a loss, is a loss. And, as I keep trying to tell myself, I can't keep losing a stone a month ("Why the Hell not???" my inner diva screams.) But I wanted, I SO wanted, to lose four pounds this week to get under 190lb, and to get well under the five stone off mark. I had a massive sense of entitlement about it. I deserved it. I shouldn't have gained last week, so I should have lost big this week. Right? Hmmm, what do you mean that's not the way this shit works? Dang!

So, next week it is then. I'm going under 190 next week :-)

I'm currently in Starbucks. TMM is working today, and he decided to go to The Bucks for brekkie. I decided to join him. He had fruit toast and I couldn't resist having some too. Mmmm. Fruit toast, butter (real butter!!!) and strawberry jam. I'm going to walk home from here, so that's a half hour at a brisk pace. It will burn off about half the calories that I've just consumedif I'm lucky. Guess. Go on, guess how many cals I've just scarfed  I looked it up on mfp. Starbucks Fruit Toast, no toppings? 480 cals. The butter and jam on top added another 200. That's almost as much as my Sunday Fry Up at our regular cafe. Still, it was nice to see TMM before he started work, and the walk will be a bit of exercise, and I'll just count it as today's treat. No dark choc for me later, and a light lunch of the rest of the broc and cauli soup I made yesterday.

All in all, I'm in a good mood. I may not have had the uber loss that I wanted, but I still lost, I'm still 69.2lb lighter than I was when I started all this again on Sunday the 6th March. I'm wearing size 18 jeans, not size 24, and I'm definately smiling more. My back and knees don't hurt and TMM doesn't think I'm going to have a heart attack when I walk to the train staion or die in my sleep because of sleep apnea.

It's all good :-D

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