Tuesday, 16 August 2016

All is good in Terry's world of the volumnetrically challenged

My weekend sulk is officially over. That's so yesterday. I have remained on track and am not feeling fat or disappointed in myself. Yes, still disappointed that the good week I'd had didn't show on the scales, but that's old news now. Nowt I can do about it. So, I can continue to sulk (not happening!) or I can chose to think of this as a week to consolidate my losses thus far. That's how I'm thinking of it.

Because I'm not punishing myself for a no show on the scales, I had a Chinese takeaway with TMM last night. All counted and within allowance. Good grief! I enjoyed it. Hadn't had one for ages. CB, if you're reading this, we still have to do a Chinese some time soon. You, me, TMM and BB. Chop sticks ahoy! 

I have many reasons for feeling in fine fettle today. I need new undercrackers! All of my bras and knickers are too big for me.  It's a great problem to have.  But I resent spending money on stuff that, all things being equal, won't fit properly in a couple of months. So, cheapies at ASDA, here I come.

And. I was able to buy tights in a  size Large. Not XL. I know tights stretch, but only so far. And Large would have strangled me below the waist before. All going in the right direction, despite my small gain this week.

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