Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Edinburgh: Day two - Coping rightly

Me being a sentry at the castle
This living life, and eating healthily, it's all about coping like a normal person and trying to not eat like my true fat personality would have me do. My natural inclination is toward excess. It always has been, in everything.  If I go on a knitting jag, I'll knit every day for six months, till I'm sick of it, then not touch my needles again for two years. Or with exercise, I will run five times a week for a year, then avoid it like the plague till I'm fat again, and can't run a step. The same applies to my eating and dieting. The most I've ever managed is two years, before going off the rails and regaining the weight. I know I need a change of attitude, a way to moderate my naturally obsessive, addictive personality. I go, ram stam, gung-ho into stuff. So if I could avoid that a bit this time, it might go some way towards making my results last. Actually, I guess it's a bit late to avoid my excessive behaviour altogether. You can't lose six stone in seven months without a little obsession. But if I could ease it off a little, now I've got less to lose, it might help. That's why I feel my first day here was a success. I had a sensible brekkie, avoided sweet stuff with my coffee, but then allowed myself to have a small dessert later. And no massive portions or going back for more. Maybe it's like being a recovering alcoholic.  I'll never have it beaten and there's always a chance I could fall off the wagon, but with awareness, I can stop it beating me.

Day two's first NSV was the bath towel from the hotel en suite fully encompassed me. Not with much of an overlap, I'll grant ya, but there's no way in Hell that would have been even close to happening six months ago. The next NSV was the steep walk up Arthur's seat. It was very tough going, and got steep immediately. But I was absolutely able to do it. Fitness wise anyway. My fear of heights meant that we got about half way before I had to call it a day. We walked for about an hour and a half, and a lot of it was very hard work. So I didn't make it to the top, but I earned a fair few calories regardless. With Arther's Seat, the castle and just walking all over the town, today we were walking for over four hours.
View from the castle
I was good with my food again. I'm pleased that I've so far managed to keep food under control, despite being away from home. We went walking before eating today, so we found a great wee cafe on the Royal Mile, quite close to the castle, to eat afterwards.
Picturesque street view at lunch time
We both had a bagel, with smoked salmon and cream cheese. It wasn't overly calorific, and I really enjoyed it.
Then in Caffe Nero* I again, as before, had just the coffee as I rejavinated myself, while TMM had tea and a bun. Despite knowing that I had earned a few hundred calories with the hilly Arthur's Seat alone, I decided that I'd rather keep them in hand, in case I fancied an extravagant dessert later. As it was, later TMM and I shared a small cheese board as dessert, and it wasn't overly high in calories, as the portions were small, especially when divided into two. My dinner was exactly what I'd wanted, haggis, neeps and tatties. That's haggis, turnip and potatoes to the uninitiated. And it was gorgeous. Again, we steered clear of starters so we could have afters without guilt. Is this that illusive moderation of which I spoke earlier?
All I have to do now, is avoid that darn fudge shop that I visited three years ago with my Weightwatcher friends. I was sure that I wouldn't find it, but of course, TMM and I walked right past it. Damn and blast it! I will not actively seek it out again.
So, that was it yesterday. Lots of walking and some good, honest food. Portions were "real person" portions, and not me and TMM portions. Despite the fact that TMM and I always say we eat with our eyes, and like to see a full plate, we were totally satisfied with what we had today. We need to down size our potons at home.

Today will consist of a bit of shopping and a bit more walking. I need a hair brush. Seriously, what sort of idiot, with hair all the way down her back, comes away without a hairbrush? And TMM wants to check out record shops. There's still a chance I will buy that jacket in H & M too. I need a little restraint in my shopping habits as well as my food!

*Other coffee shops available, but Nero is my favourite of the chains.

1 comment:

  1. Love that first paragraph, full of wisdom and insight... could have been about me lol ;-)
