Sunday, 11 September 2016


This might all sound a bit boastful and bombastic, but I'm genuinely psyched about how I'm doing weight wise at the moment. I don't want to sound annoyingly hyper or full of myself. I can hear myself going on about it, and I know it can be hard to listen to, especially if someone is not in a good place in their own health and fitness at the moment. I'm very lucky with TMM. He's so happy that I'm happy, and he lets me waffle on for ages without his eyes even glazing over :-) He's the most wonderfully supportive partner I could wish for. When I weighed myself this morning, he was in the bathroom with me. He just looked at me expectantly, and was so chuffed for me when I told him how I'd done. He just grinned at me and gave me a massive hug.

That's a loss of nearly four pounds this week and takes me to seventy-eight pounds off in total. Just twenty-two more to a 100lb loss. Just forty-three to go, in total until I get to goal. That's if I decide to go that low. I might stop at 154lb i.e eleven stone, rather than 139lb (9 st 13lb) Even 139lb is a couple of pounds above my supposed heaviest healthy weight, but I think I will look a bit too thin on it. So I might stop somewhere between ten and a half and eleven stone. In just one more pound, I will be under thirteen stone, and in to the twelve stone bracket.

I know that all sounds a bit obsessive, reeling off all the numbers like that, but I love taking in my stats on a Sunday, after weigh in. Well, I love it when it's been a good result. After a gain? Not so much :-) And this was a bloody good week. I half expected a slight, post period, gain. No siree, Bob, not this cowboy! Not today! And I feel amazing.

TMM and I went to Starbucks for brekkie. He was starting work at 11am, and I just decided to stay on, have another coffee, write my blog, read a bit and play Facebook games. What a lovely way to spend a lazy Sunday morning. As far as food is concerned, there's not much in Starbucks that I care to eat these days. It's all sugary, carby stuff. I'm not saying it's off limits, coz it's not. I had fruit toast, butter and jam last time I was here. And I very much enjoyed it. But it's not worth the calorie expenditure today. I'd rather have a high protein breakfast today. So I'll enjoy my recreational coffee, then have a brisk half hour walk home (earn a few exercise calories!) in the lovely Norn Irn sunshine, then go home for a nice, home cooked lunch.

I am in such a good mood today, with my losses being great, and fitting into smaller clothes, that I can't understand why it is that I let myself gain the weight again each time. Why do I let complacency get the better of me and let things slip? I am on an uber high today, feeling a bit hyper actually. So it makes me gung ho about my eating and I feel sort of infallible, as if I'll never eat in an out-of-control fashion ever again. Clearly, that's nonsense. I've been here before, and I've lost this wonderful sense of superlative brilliance. So I need to guard against losing it again. No one can remain this up for ever. That'd be exhausting. It's unsustainable. The ideal would be to have a few wee ups, but to level out and be able to maintain that.

That's my problem. I never get to a stage where I am entirely happy with my results, to the point when I say to myself, "Right. That's me finished losing weight. Now, I'm on maintenance." If I think about it, although in the past I've been at least two stone lighter than I currently am, I've never felt quite this good before. It's probably a combination of the weight loss, and being a little older, and genaerally more comfortable in my own skin, even when I'm bigger. This week, things seem to have snowballed. It feels as if, all of a sudden, I'm fitting in to things that I had to put away three years ago. It reality, all that's happening is, that in trying on the jeans, I've reminded myself of other things that fitted me back when they did, so I'm digging them out, and getting in to what I started to think of as my "thin" clothes once I'd gotten fat again. There are a few running tops that I absolutely loved. Perhaps wearing them again will encourage me to exercise. I can only hope.

Onward and upwards (downwards?) Here's to another good week, all things being equal.


  1. Well done you sexy minx! You're brilliant and I loves ya and your entertaining blog which rings so true to my own thoughts and feeling about my own weight loss journey xxx
