Why don't my legs look like that? :-(
I used to think that tights were the most awkward item of clothing ever invented. Not only are they ridiculously easy to poke your fingers through, but they get tangled up so darn quickly! That was before I lost a few stones in weight, this time around. Turns out, it's been my legs that are the awkward things, not the damn nylons! As I tried to put them on, I'd always get one leg on just fine, then the second one would always twist. It happened every time. Darned annoying. This last couple of days, I've been wearing a skirt for the first time in yonks, which has meant wearing tights too. And guess what! No twisty problem. I managed to get the tights on without any hassle. So it must have been the size of my thighs that was causing the problem. Even when I was buying the biggest size in nylon, they was a pain, and it was likely that the tops of my thighs would rub together so much as to cause the nylon to tear. I gotta tell you, if you've never experienced the burn of upper thighs rubbing together, you're one lucky sod. It hurts, especially if it gets to the bleeding stage. Thankfully, I haven't had that for a long time. But I remember it keenly.
So, now I'm wearing a large in tights. Just a large! I'm well pleased with myself. And they are fitting fine. I'm not generally a large, or even an extra large yet. But in tights from ASDA*, I'm a large!
On Monday, my third supply of the fat busters arrived from Amazon**. I told myself that I'd use three lots of them. Then go back to not using them. So that leaves me about a month and a half to two months if I'm going to stick to that. I know myself. I don't know if I'll stick to that promise, especially if my losses have slowed down too much. I don't notice side effects with them. I don't eat a lot of high fat foods, but I don't think they work the same way the Orlistat did, with the fecal incontinence. I do notice that if I manage to remember to f]take them a full half hour before eating (which is what one is supposed to do) then I go to the loo fairly quickly after dinner, I mean within an couple of hours, to pooh. That seems to be how they work, in my non-expert opinion. You shit some of the calorie out before you absorb them!
As well as the tights success, I can really see my face getting thinner again. My face has two stages, and nothing in between. Round and fat, and thinner with actual cheek bones. And the cheek bones are starting to appear. My face was one of the things that Penfold commented on when she, Smiley and I went for coffee a couple of nights ago. I love that other people are noticing now too. Our coffee date was great for another reason. The three of us are in the same place, weight loss wise. We all want to do it this time, lose the weight and keep it off. When we go out together, no one has a bun with the coffee. We have out hot beverages, and compare dieting notes. We all agree that it's great to have the support without a class. We can be there for each other. Penfold and Smiley are next door neighbours,so they're going walking together too. We are all going to start getting together a wee bit more often I think, to keep up our momentum, while we're all feeling gung ho!
*Other supermarkets available :-)
**Other mail order services available :-)
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