Sunday, 1 January 2017

152.8lb - Happy New Year

I start 2017 at 152.8lb. I am very happy with that. I told myself I'd be happy so long as I was still under eleven stone. And I am, if only by 1.2 pounds :-) And I need to keep the nearly four pounds gain in context. I ate what is currently, for me, the equivalent of ten days food in two days! Four pounds isn't too bad. And in a way, it's good to have a gain. That might sound odd, but it's better to realize that over indulging has consequences.  If I'd stayed the same, if I'd "gotten away with it," I might be more tempted to do it again. I would be more likely to think I could get off lightly again, and it could become common place. It wouldn't take long for that behaviour to catch up on my weight loss! Anyway, if you'd told me this time last year that my weight would be ten stone something, there's no way I'd have believed you. I know I've said that a couple of times before, but it bears repeating.

I'm still thinking about what my ultimate goal will be. I'm at my interim goal of 153lbs but I think I will aim for 136 pounds. It would take me to a BMI of 24.9, and the top end of "normal." I know it's annoying, but I always have to use inverted commas for the word normal in this context. I mean, it annoys me to do it, but I always feel that I need to. When I get to whatever goal I finally decide on, I think I will buy myself the green Gretsch guitar that I really fancy.

I will exercise a little restraint, and buy the cheaper model, but I do really fancy it. And I deserve a treat. Hmmm.  Mind you, I've treated myself plenty, when it comes to clothes, recently. While some were definitely necessary, some were purely for pleasure.  

I started this particular weight loss attempt at 260lbs. My heaviest weight was a few years ago, at 289lb, or twenty stone and nine pounds. I am now officially ten stone lighter than that heaviest weight. My weight starts with ten stone something and I'm ten stone lighter than I was at my heaviest! I don't think I'll be able to stop grinning all week. What a way to start 2017.

As for New Year's resolutions, as I said on FB a few days ago, none of this "new year, new me" shite. I was fabulous last year and I'll just continue to be fabulous this year! :-) But seriously, I'm going to try really hard to give up DFM* again and I'm going to stop using electronics in bed. No phone, no tablet. It will help me sleep better. I think that'll be even harder than the DFM.

*dark fizzy master i.e. diet cola. 

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