Sunday, 15 December 2019

End of the first week

I've overeaten this week. Substantially. It's all been healthy and vegan, but too many calories is too many calories, regardless of the form they're in. I'm eating as if I'm still running six days a week. And I'm so not! I need to eat less, or, and here's a drastic idea, actually start running regularly again! 

I really want to start properly in the morning, and go to club tomorrow night. It's hard enough at the moment to get motivated, never mind the fact that it's so cold leaving the hose in the evening.

Anyway, regardless of how pants I am at running at the mo, I've had a great vegan first week. This is the end of day seven, and I've made my own bread twice, made a great chilli and burgers fron Scott Jurek's book "Eat and Run", soup, fritters, cheesy potato bake ( ) and vegetable pate ( ) I've also discovered nutritional yeast, and amazing piece of dietary kit! I'm very pleased with myself. I wouldn't be surprised if I've gained weight this week, with the way I've eaten, but I'm not going to be too hard on myself for that. Next week I'll get the amounts more in line with what my calorific needs actually are.

Today I spent a lot of time in the kitchen,
 trying a couple of mayo recipes, using unsweetened almond milk, avocado oil and the brine from chick peas, aquafaba as it's known. Both attempts taste good enough,  but are more like a salad cream consistency than a mayo. Worth a try though. The recipes both say that soya milk would give a thicker result,  but I'm trying to steer clear of soy products. 

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