If there's a band wagon out there, I'll jump on it. Renowned for my mad phases in my family, I am. So it's no real surprise to anyone who knows me that when I get enthusiastic about something, I go a bit gung ho. That's great, while it lasts, but can lead to burn out. My general period of time for something long standing is about two years. Then it's usually on to the next thing. I can't seem to help it. I'm hoping this won't be the case here.
Recently I've become hyper aware of veganism. Not a new thing obviously, it's been around for thousands of years, but am I wrong in thinking it's "trending" at the mo? With the popularity of the film, "The Game Changers" I know of a few runners, in my club and others, who are either already taking up this new life style choice, or are seriously thinking about it. I'm conscious of abstinence from all flesh and by product foods now being referred to as being on a "plant based diet." Is that coz "vegan" sounds too militant? I wonder. "Plant based" definitely sounds a bit fluffier to me, less CND, flaky, political activist student, more middle aged, middle income, middle of the road office worker (i.e. me, I suppose - and exactly when did I become middle aged???)
So here I was this morning. My cheese and chocolate levels were at the max, not to mention my ice cream level. My final fling with dairy was done yesterday, along with a sausage sandwich. Today was about starting to try going vegan. No. "Do or do not, there is no try." Thank you George Lucas.
If I do this, will it fill me? My factory setting is to be a greedy ballix, will plants satisfy me? Will I get bored? Will I take enough care to eat healthily?
I suppose I'm going to become an expert at checking food labels now. Today it was rice cakes and vegetable stock cubes I was looking in to. I haven't been using stock cubes for a while, but when the OH cooks, he does, so he wanted to know which ones he could use. It looks like Knnor vegetable ones are dead on. I've very lucky with how supportive he is.
I wish I could forget about food, if you know what I mean, lose my obsession with it. Forget about it as recreation and think of it purely as fuel. Then, I would only eat what I need. Then, I wouldn't be at least thirty pounds off what should be my heaviest weight. And my running wouldn't have suffered. Still, getting on the scales shows me where I stand.
Breakfast: avocado, cucumber, cannelinni beans and rice cake
Lunch: apple, almonds, walnuts, cherry tomatoes
Tea: chilli made with three types of tinned beans, brown basmati rice
Black coffee, water
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