Friday, 17 February 2017

Moving forward

I'm currently surfin' the crimson tide, and it's not due to end till Monday, so I doubt that I'll get a true sense of what I weigh this weekend.  I'll weigh myself on Sunday as normal though. I need to keep monitoring the situation, to stay on track. I ran for nearly an hour this morning, so that was nearly 600 cals added to my daily total.
Not my fastest, but if I sustained that pace throughout the marathon, I'd finish in about 4 hrs 50 mins. I'd be pleased with that!
That photo is a bit of a contrast to various others that I have. I don' thin I'll ever tire of comparing then and now (there are a lot of thens!)
I felt good when this was taken. I was dressed up and out for dinner with family. It was a great night. My face is entirely different though, to the one above.
This is going to sound so obvious, but it's actually just struck me. I'm here. The place I wanted to be, my destination, the reason for all my attempts over the last twenty plus years, is here and now. Now is my time to enjoy the feeling of success. I know I posted a couple of days ago that I was finished losing, but it's sort of only just hit me. I've finished. Wow! When I walk down the street these days, if some one looks at me twice, it's not because they see a sweaty, self conscious, uncomfortable, overweight person. It may well be because they don't think much of my sartorial choices that day (not every one is going to like a grey bowler :-D ) but it won't be because they think I'm fat. Again, wow!